What the CEO doesn't want you to know

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Now that the dust has died down, and this blog is only of historical interest, let me just preface it with the following: it is the story of the hijacking of Africa's first Green electoral success.

The complicated conflict detailed below eventually turned out to have been basically a cover-up for misuse of funds. Although it appeared at times more like a soap opera.

Because the main text (posted in the menu to to right as "the long-delayed document") is a quasi-legal briefing document and an archival source, it is tedious. But you can see highlights by clicking on the "preliminary posting" in the menu on the right. If you want to cut to the chase, the MISSING MONEY, scroll down in that posting to "The Smoking Gun". If only we (the majority of committee members, who had been "expelled") had had that information earlier. We, and I, made many mistakes, but they were honest ones.

To the response that this is only one side of the story, I say: this is the version that can stand the test of documentary evidence and witnesses' testimony; the most objective test our society can provide - courtroom procedure.

I can say this because on two occasions, rather than face that test, Alan Murphy backed down and made dramatic concessions:

* admitting that he acted unconstitutionally;
* readmitting members he had expelled (only to re-exclude us at the next meeting by requiring re-application using a form granting him sole discretion in granting the application);
* admitting that his defamatory attacks on me were unsubstantiated;
* conceding that he does not contest the contents of this blog;
* agreeing to pay all legal costs as well as substantial damages.

If his version of the story were true, he would have been able and prepared to stand up for it in court. Instead he pushes it surreptitiously.

I am currently taking a break from my studies due to lack of funds, and due to much travel, unable to take part in organisational activities.
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